Thursday, March 13, 2008

58 points (Feb 26, 1987)

A ticket to this game was my birthday present as a kid. What a game. You want to see Michael Jordan at his best and flashing some ridiculous moves, just watch it.

Friday, March 7, 2008

You Ain't Nothin' But A...

"It doesn't matter if Elvis is or isn't moving merchandise for his accomplishments to mean something," says veteran music industry watcher and author Dave Marsh. He singles out Presley's invaluable contribution to racial integration through music, which preceded the civil rights movement of the 1960s. "He's like Shakespeare. He'll always be relevant and iconic."

Last August marked the 30 year anniversary of the death of Elvis at the age of 42. No longer the pop culture icon, Elvis Presley slowly has become an historical figure. He is someone we study now in class as not only a musical pioneer, as a model of tolerance, and perhaps an accidental leader of integration during the tumultuous civil rights era.

Elvis' place in American history is becoming more and more relevant. For an interesting read, check out this article.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Def Leppard - Love Bites

Post Prompt #1: "Who was your first favorite group or singer? How old were you at the time? What was important to you about this music?"

A tough question for sure!
The "top 40" stations back in the day were Z95 and B96 (Yes, the same B96!). These were the days I attempted to "Walk Like an Egyptian" and felt BAD when I moonwalked like Michael Jackson. My first favorite group, Def Leppard, was a big deal during the mid-late 80's. Def Leppard grew out of the late 70s English rock scene, ultimately becoming so huge that they're one of only three groups to have ever charted 7 songs on one album (Hysteria). In the late 80s, the Bears were huge, Wrestlemania was headlined by Hulk Hogan and Randy "Macho Man" Savage, and a UK import band with a one-armed drummer battled Michael Jackson for supremacy of the charts. Groups like Def Leppard represented a sort of introduction to the adult world for an impressionable 12 or 13 year old. The fact that my parents hated this music made it all the more enticing. For the video clip, I could have chosen a number of songs, including Pour Some Sugar on Me, Photograph, or really anything from their hit albums Pyromania and Hysteria, but I chose the ballad Love Bites; arguably their biggest hit. I await your comments... Enjoy!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

HJPOP Blogging?

Why are we blogging?
* It's a great tool for writing and learning.
* It's an open forum for communication of ideas, opinions, fears, desires, & more.
* Commentary and interaction with an audience.
* Less vocal students in class will have an equalized sounding board.
* The blog will be yours after the school year is over.

What might you be blogging about?
* Popular issues that either come up in class discussion or have to do with readings, etc.
* Specific prompts assigned in class.
* Responses to my blog and/or other student blogs.
* Popular Culture!

What will be expected of students?
* A minimum of one post per week on your personal blog.
* A minimum of one response (comment) per week on the blog of a classmate.
* Blog posts & comments will be due weekly (most often on Mondays)
- Points will be awarded weekly.
- Bonus Points may be awarded for greater participation and "snazzier blogs."

Is there a blogging code of conduct? YES.
* Led by Tim O'Reilly, a bloggers code of conduct is being created. Please check out this link. Specifically read the "modules" section. It's really short.

* By the end of class Thursday, February 21, 2008, all of our blogs will be up and running.
* You must have signed up for a blogger account (through gmail preferably)
* You must have created a hyperlink to the class "hjpop" blog.
* If, by class, you have created a blog that includes an image, video and music capabilities, you will receive extra credit!

* Your first assignment is to post a response to the following prompt. This counts as your first blog!
- Post Prompt #1: "Who was your first favorite group or singer? How old were you at the time? What was important to you about this music?"

Imported Photo from Picasa

Tokyo at night. Taken by Hjelmgren - 2002
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