Wednesday, February 20, 2008

HJPOP Blogging?

Why are we blogging?
* It's a great tool for writing and learning.
* It's an open forum for communication of ideas, opinions, fears, desires, & more.
* Commentary and interaction with an audience.
* Less vocal students in class will have an equalized sounding board.
* The blog will be yours after the school year is over.

What might you be blogging about?
* Popular issues that either come up in class discussion or have to do with readings, etc.
* Specific prompts assigned in class.
* Responses to my blog and/or other student blogs.
* Popular Culture!

What will be expected of students?
* A minimum of one post per week on your personal blog.
* A minimum of one response (comment) per week on the blog of a classmate.
* Blog posts & comments will be due weekly (most often on Mondays)
- Points will be awarded weekly.
- Bonus Points may be awarded for greater participation and "snazzier blogs."

Is there a blogging code of conduct? YES.
* Led by Tim O'Reilly, a bloggers code of conduct is being created. Please check out this link. Specifically read the "modules" section. It's really short.

* By the end of class Thursday, February 21, 2008, all of our blogs will be up and running.
* You must have signed up for a blogger account (through gmail preferably)
* You must have created a hyperlink to the class "hjpop" blog.
* If, by class, you have created a blog that includes an image, video and music capabilities, you will receive extra credit!

* Your first assignment is to post a response to the following prompt. This counts as your first blog!
- Post Prompt #1: "Who was your first favorite group or singer? How old were you at the time? What was important to you about this music?"